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© כל הזכויות שמורות 2018

NanoBrook ZetaPlus Zeta Potential Analyzer

Reliable, Accurate, and Accurate Analysis The NanoBrook ZetaPlus is the simplest and most accurate particle electrophoresis system available. This revolutionary instrument has been designed to eliminate the short coming inherent in other zeta potential instruments. The ZetaPlus software is simple and intuitive to operate but yet offers flexibility and a full range of means for those that whish to tune their experiments to specific circumstances. The screen image shown below indicates the clear and concise presentation. Information obtained from the sample is updated in real time and the user can select from several display formats. A table of physical constants for many common suspending fluids is provided but the user may provide their own values if desired. Printed reports are fully customizable.

For More information About NanoBrook ZetaPlus Zeta Potential Analyzer